Commercial Water and Sewer Repairs

Experienced commercial main line repairs and maintenance. Circle K Septic Services Ltd is here to service all your water and sewer needs 24/7

Main Water Line & Sewer Line Repairs

Join our preventative maintenance program today!

We offer maintenance programs to keep water & sewer systems running effectively and avoid disasters and unnecessary property damage.

There are many things to constantly maintain and repair when it comes to managing a property or building. Since the sewer system is located underground and cannot be seen on a daily basis, it can get forgotten about until major issues arise.

Sewer systems are engineered and designed to withstand a lot and to function effectively with minimal attention, but regular cleaning and inspections can save you a lot of money on expensive repairs or replacements.

Main Water Line Repair
Main Sewer & Water Line Break Repair by Circle K Groundworks

Edmonton & area Water and Sewer Services

Circle K Septic Services Ltd provides maintenance programs for asset management and city planning purposes.

Contact Circle K Septic Services Ltd today if you would like a quote for our water and sewer services for commercial projects located in Edmonton and its surrounding area, Spruce Grove, Stony Plain and Parkland County.